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Grilling Vegetables [A Helpful Guide]

Helpful Guide to Grilling VegetablesStep aside, meat; it’s time to grill some veggies! Bring out the sweet, caramelized flavors of your favorite vegetables in ways you never knew possible. Grilling vegetables can be intimidating, but if you never try you’ll never know. And we’d hate for you to miss out on some of the most exquisite favors imaginable. Flavors that can’t be imitated, replicated or duplicated in the kitchen. So, to get you started on the right track, Fireside would like to share a Helpful Guide for Grilling Vegetables. Then, be sure to let us know which veggies you like to grill in the comments section below.

how to grill artichokesArtichoke Hearts - Grilling Time: 5 - 10 Minutes

  • Cut artichoke hearts in half lengthwise and trim off the tops
  • Cook artichoke hearts in boiling water for 15 minutes, or until fully tender
  • Prepare your grill for direct cooking over high heat (450 - 600ºF)
  • Brush the artichoke hearts with oil and lightly sprinkle with salt and fresh ground black pepper
  • Place the artichoke halves cut-side-down on the grill grates
  • Cover, and grill for 5 to 10 minutes, until you have nice caramelized grill marks on the cut sides of the artichokes

how to grill asparagusAsparagus - Grilling Time: 6 Minutes

  • Preheat grill for direct cooking over high heat (450 - 600ºF)
  • Use large asparagus spears and remove the tough ends
  • Drizzle with olive oil and lightly season with salt and fresh ground black pepper
  • Brush cooking grates clean
  • Reduce heat to medium (325 - 375ºF)
  • Place asparagus diagonally on cooking grates over direct heat and close the lid
  • Cook until crisp and tender, turning once around 3 minutes

how to grill bell peppersBell Peppers - Grilling Time: 7 minutes

  • Prepare grill for direct grilling over medium heat (325 - 375ºF)
  • Cut peppers into quarters, lengthwise
  • Mix peppers in a medium bowl with olive oil, lightly season with salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Place peppers, skin side up, on grill rack
  • Cover grill and cook until soft, about 4-5- minutes
  • Turn peppers over; cover and cook for another 3-4 minutes or until caramelized

how to grill cornCorn - Grilling Time: 15 Minutes

  • Prepare gill for direct cooking over medium heat (325 - 375ºF)
  • Go-Naked - Our #1 Choice! (Corn cooked in the husk or wrapped in foil isn’t grilled corn, it’s steamed corn)
  • Lightly coat the ears of corn with oil and place on grill
  • Cook uncovered for about 10 minutes, turning every 2 minutes
  • Remove once kernels have begun to caramelize
  • Lightly season to your liking and enjoy

*NOTE: For slightly older corn, soak in room temperature, sugar water for 1hr to revitalize its sweetness.

how to grill eggplantEggplant - Grilling Time: 10 Minutes

  • Cut the eggplant into ¾-inch thick slices
  • Soak slices in a large bowl of salt water for 30-60 minutes
  • Preheat grill to medium-high heat (375 - 450ºF)
  • Drain eggplant and pat dry
  • Coat both sides with olive oil and lightly season with salt
  • Place slices on the grill
  • Close lid and cook until caramelized marks appear, about 5 minutes
  • Turn over slices, close lid and cook another 5 minutes

how to grill onionsOnions - Grilling Time: 10 Minutes

  • Set grill to medium heat (325 - 375ºF)
  • Remove outer layer
  • Cut onion into multiple ¾-inch thick “pancakes”
  • Use toothpicks to keep the onion pancake together (see image)
  • Rub wedges with olive oil and lightly season with salt
  • Oil cooking grates
  • Arrange onions on grill; lower cover and cook for 5 minutes
  • Uncover, flip onions, replace cover, and cook for an additional 5 minutes

how to grill potatoesPotatoes - Grilling Time: 20 Minutes

  • Microwave or pre-boil potatoes ahead of time so they are ½ cooked
  • Prepare grill for direct cooking over medium-high heat (350º- 450ºF)
  • Slice up potatoes (½ to ¾ inches thick) and place in a large bowl
  • Mix in olive oil and lightly season with salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Reduce to medium heat for direct cooking (325 - 375ºF)
  • Put potatoes onto preheated grill rack and spread out
  • Close lid and allow to cook for about 20 minutes
  • Turn every 5 minutes so the potatoes brown evenly
  • Check for doneness by cutting into a potato, should be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

how to grill zucchiniZucchini - Grilling Time: 5 Minutes

  • Preheat grill for direct cooking over medium-low heat (250º - 325ºF)
  • Cut off the tops and bottoms of zucchini, then cut into half lengthwise
  • Place zucchini on a large plate and cover with olive oil, slightly season with salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Lay zucchini on grill rack for approximately 2 minutes on each side, turn once



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